The amount of Solar Energy we’re producing

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Working towards sustainable manufacturing to leave a positive legacy.

Actions speak louder than words. At Penny Engineering, we take corporate responsibility seriously and are committed to the principles of social, environmental and economic sustainability. We will continue to reduce our carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels. As a team, we work together to deliver on our sustainability ambitions and have already made good progress.

Penny Engineering already:
Makes a positive impact on society
Puts zero waste to landfill
Generates 50% of its own electricity.

Our role in addressing climate change is irrefutable. As manufacturers, the business decisions we make have a fundamental impact on the planet and its people. Our aim is to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels as we invest in methods to minimise our carbon footprint within our processes and work towards net-zero.

We know that we cannot achieve our ambitions alone and continue to use our resources to lobby UK policy makers. Technology usually outpaces legislation, so we put our weight behind removing barriers to SME’s achieving net zero, from the adoption of commercial electric vehicles to 100% sustainable energy generation.

Our Planet: Sustainable Manufacturing

Penny Engineering have several schemes in place to achieve our ambition of becoming a sustainable manufacturer. This means that the products we manufacture and the services we deliver:

Use non-polluting processes
Conserve energy and natural resources
Are economically sound
Safe for employees, communities, and consumers.

We have already made significant progress towards our goal. In 2014, Penny Engineering invested in solar panels to produce 50% of our own electricity, passing any unused energy back to the national grid. Penny Engineering has the ability to generate 100% of its own power but it is a little published fact that solar arrays are generally capped by the National Grid, claiming they do not want the surplus energy at weekends and evenings.

We have invested in making our factory premises as environmentally sound as possible. Investments include computer-controlled heating systems, LED lighting, low-energy computers, state-of-the-art insulation, a programme of switching to electric company cars, and landfill-free waste management.

Corporate Responsibility – Penny Engineering

Our People: Social Responsibility

Located in North East Derbyshire we are privileged to live and work in a beautiful area. Being a part of a vibrant district with a tremendous industrial heritage is great for the company, its employees, and wider stakeholders with opportunities for the company to help the surrounding community flourish and prosper.

As a team, our contributions to local and wider society come in all shapes and sizes. From local mining memorials and sports team kits to charity fundraising and apprenticeships, we are proud to make a positive contribution.

Partnerships with local initiatives such as Made in Chesterfield
All job vacancies advertised locally
Supporting local causes such as the Clowne Historical Society
Links with local schools providing work experience, mock interviews and coaching.
Sponsorship of local sports teams
Regular fundraising for local charities including Ashgate Hospice Care and Bluebell Wood Hospice.

Next Generation: Apprenticeships

Penny Engineering manage an ongoing apprenticeship scheme, sharing over 40 years’ of knowledge and experience with the next generation. Our belief in supporting young engineers is reflected in the Penny Engineering workforce, with over 10% being apprentices at different levels, all the way to degree apprenticeships.

It takes more than engineers to run a successful manufacturing business. As such, all employees at Penny Engineering have the opportunity to engage in personal development. Professional qualifications, such as The Institute of Learning and Management and chartership status. We aim to provide opportunities for employees to grow and make an even greater contribution to the business and its ambitions.

Corporate Responsibility – Penny Engineering Ltd
Corporate Responsibility Draft – Social Responsibility – Penny Engineering

Terminal disposal

Penny Engineering designs and manufactures its products with whole life sustainability in mind.  Material choice, local supply chains, manufacturing processes, serviceability, and ultimate disposal are all considered from the outset to minimise carbon footprint.  Should you require more detail on any aspect then please contact our Compliance Manager at Head Office.

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